
How to find keywords that perfectly match your content?

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Keywords are one the most important elements of a Good content as they are the main queries users search for. Of course after a while you may understand the type of your users and try to make keywords based on the behavior of the users, but this is not a correct way to find and stuff the keywords. Besides, what are you going to do in the beginning of content creation? Don’t panic, we will guide you through this article to find keywords the best and easiest way possible. The techniques we also used to make this content standout. Hey content writers, content managers and digital marketers, get ready to read practical content!

how to find keywords for web content?

Content preview

  • What does keyword mean in SEO?
  • Different types of Keywords
  • Preparing to find the keywords
  • Top 5 ways to find useful keywords
  • Conclusion: where to use and place the keywords?

What does keyword mean in SEO?

Keywords are exactly the queries that users search on search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc. in order to find information, answers for their questions, products and merchandise offered by you and your company. As a result, search engines try to rank and index different web pages based on the keywords besides the value of the content.

For example, consider you, as a user, are looking for an iPhone charger. What would be the keywords you search? Exactly “charger for iPhone”. In this way you may also add some other tips to the keyword such as “cheap charger for iPhone”, “where to buy charger for iPhone”, etc. or totally shorten the keyword to “iPhone charger”! This is where we classify different keywords.

Different types of Keywords

Keywords are divided into 4 main groups:

  1. Short tail keywords
  2. Middle tail keywords
  3. Long tail keywords
  4. LSI or latent semantic indexing
what are different types of keywords?

Let’s see what each one means:

Short tail keywords

These keywords are short, usually consist of 1 or 2 words, though have not much impact on the SEO of the pages. Nowadays people try to search in more detail to find the exact answer as fast as possible. Besides, even if the volume of searching for a single word is too high, the users are not clearly determining their needs. The word “food” is searched millions of times but a user may mean a recipe of a food, another may look for the calorie of the food and a third user may be eager to find a restaurant.

Therefore, even if you are ranked good with short tail keywords, that won’t be long lasting as when the users don’t find the appropriate answer, they will leave the website immediately which increases the bounce rate and damages your website value!

Middle tail keywords

These keywords are usually more clear and determine users need better, consist of 2 or 3 words, yet hazy! For example, the users search “restaurant food” or “food of restaurant”, but do we understand what food they exactly target? Or what location are they looking for?

Long tail keywords

These are the most practical keywords as they exactly target the correct audiences and turn them into loyal users. For example, in the field of restaurant and food industry, the word “Italian restaurant in London” is the perfect long tail keyword to write about Italian restaurants in London and introduce them.

LSI or latent semantic indexing

Google, the top search engine, beside the direct keywords, consider the meaning of the whole content and other phrases with similar meanings for indexing. This way, even if you use the self-made keywords, the value of the content won’t be reduced and it would be well-indexed! For example, the LSI for “Italian restaurant in London” can be “Italian food in London”.

Preparing to find the keywords

Consider a few steps to be prepared for finding keywords and then we go through the techniques of keyword finding together.

  1. Study your niche and understand what exactly your business is
  2. Find the target audience, this can be done by creating personas
  3. Make a list of your goals by publishing the content and pages
  4. What are the topics related to your business? List them as well
  5. Find the keywords through the ways mentioned in the following section
  6. Write the unique content using the keywords, but not stuffing! Using too much keywords will introduce you as a threat to search engines
techniques to find keywords

Top 5 ways to find useful keywords

You have the opportunity to find the keywords through various options so that the number of keywords would be increased. This way you can prepare the page and the content for every type of the users.

1-      Google suggestions

Have you ever noticed when you search something on Google, it tries to complete your query based on what others mostly searched for.

Besides this way, you can scroll down to the end of the first index results of what you searched and capture the similar searches.

2-      Keyword tools

Through these tools, such as keyword planner, you insert a word to determine the category of the content and it offers you the best keywords. You can also use other tools such as

3-      Search console

If you want to restart the website, the best way for the first contents would be to search console reports. You can figure out what was previously high ranked and what was not.

4-      Competitors behavior

Once you want to be indexed, the top 10 results on Google are your competitors. Check their websites and mine their keywords to use as well. If you flavor the founded keywords with a little copywriting season, better results are obtained.

5-      Your personal analyze

For the first pages and contents, it may be a little difficult to find the keywords in your mind, but once you understand the users’ behavior, you can simply find their needs and use the self-made keywords.

Conclusion: where to use and place the keywords?

You can use keywords in the page title tag, title of content, inside the content body text, in the images alt etc. Using the keywords in image descriptions is also very consequential as it allows people who are just browsing for the images in a search engine to come across your website. This will increase the traffic to your website. As a result, your Google rankings will increase significantly. 

Finally, we must mention a very important point. Keyword research is one of the first and most important things to do for your SEO. But be aware that overuse can also be a disaster as we mentioned in the article as well!

  1. SEO consultants provide expertise and guidance to businesses looking to improve their online presence and search engine rankings.
  2. They analyze website data, research keywords, and create strategies to target specific audiences and improve website visibility on search engines.
  3. SEO consultants stay up-to-date with the latest trends and changes in search engine algorithms to ensure the success of their client’s campaigns.

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